20–22 de noviembre de 2024
America/Bogota zona horaria

Evolution of Magnetic Field Vector in a Stable Sunspot: A Multi-Pass Solar Disk Analysis

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Aula Máxima de Ciencias (UIS)

Aula Máxima de Ciencias


Ciudad Universitaria, sede Bucaramanga, Carrera 27 con Calle 9
Póster Posters


Juan Pablo Herrera Moreno (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)


This work studies the temporal evolution of photospheric proper motions and magnetic field vector in a stable sunspot over multiple solar rotations. Using Continuum images and magnetic field measurements from the Solar Dynamics Observatory's Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (SDO/HMI), we tracked a persistent sunspot through four passes across the solar disk. Our analysis focused on the photospheric layer, where we observed subtle changes in the sunspot's magnetic structure despite its overall stability. We employed advanced image processing techniques to coaligne, compensate for projection effects and limb darkening, and then calculate apparent plasma motions applying local correlation tracking (LCT) techniques. Results indicate a gradual evolution of the magnetic field vector, with notable changes in inclination and azimuth angles over the observation period. These findings provide new insights into the long-term behavior of stable sunspots and contribute to our understanding of solar magnetic field dynamics in the photosphere. This research may improves solar activity predictions and enhancing our knowledge in solar physics.

Nivel de formación Maestría

Autor primario

Juan Pablo Herrera Moreno (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)


Prof. Benjamín Calvo Mozo (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) Dr. José Iván Campos Rozo (Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences) Santiago Vargas Domínguez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

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